ISO 9001 Quality Management System – The world’s most recognised quality management standard.

ISO 9001 Quality Management System is a standard who manage quality whatever the size of your business with a standard that’s recognised the world over. And you can:

  • save money
  • increase profit
  • win more business
  • satisfy more customers.

Where are you on the quality management system journey?

Whether you’re new to ISO 9001 or looking to take your expertise further, we have the right training courses and resources. We offer packages that can be customized to your business to jumpstart your quality management for quality assurance and process improvement. Your ISO 9001 package can be designed to remove the complexity of getting you where you want to be – whatever your starting point.

What are the benefits of ISO 9001 Quality Management System?

  • Allows you to become a more consistent competitor in your marketplace
  • Better quality management helps you meet customer needs
  • More efficient ways of working will save time, money and resources
  • Improved operational performance and process improvement will cut errors and increase profits
  • Motivate and engage staff with more efficient internal processes
  • Win more high value customers with better customer service
  • Broaden business opportunities by demonstrating compliance

ISO 9001:2015 revision

Business has changed radically since the last major revision in 2000, technology has changed how we work, geographical boundaries are almost insignificant in today’s global economy, supply chains are increasingly complex and the information available has multiplied exponentially.

To ensure that ISO 9001 continues to serve the business community and maintain its relevance in today’s market place, the standard is being revised to address the change in the business world.

One thing remains constant, to be successful, businesses have to adapt to meet the growing needs of customers. ISO was originally written with the customer in mind and that remains the priority for ISO 9001:2015.



Benefits of the new standard

  • Bringing Quality and Continuous Improvement into the heart of your business. The revised standard will ensure that quality management is now completely integrated and aligned with the business strategies of your organization
  • Leadership. Greater involvement in the management system by the leadership team will ensure the whole organization will be motivated towards the organizations goals and objectives.
  • Introduction of Risk & Opportunity Management. Reinforces use of the management system as a governance tool and will help identify business opportunities that contribute to bottom line improvements.
  • An Integrated Approach. With the new structure applicable to all new ISO management systems standards it will be much easier to implement multiple, integrated management systems.

>> Contact us for more information on ISO 9001 Certification


ISO 14001 Environmental Management System – The world’s most recognized environmental management system standard

ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is a standard who put the environmental management at the heart of your operations to achieve sustainable success.  This international standard helps you reduce your environmental impact as well as grow your business.

Are you ready for environmental management system?

Whether you’re new to ISO 14001 or looking to take your expertise further, we have the right training courses, resources and services. We offer packages that can be customized to your business to jumpstart your environmental management – cutting the cost of services you don’t need. An ISO 14001 certification package can be designed to remove the complexity of getting you where you want to be – whatever your starting point.

What are the benefits of ISO 14001?

  • Better environmental management reduces waste and energy use
  • Improve efficiency to cut the cost of running your business
  • Demonstrate compliance to expand your business opportunities
  • Meet legal obligations to win greater stakeholder and customer trust
  • Prepare for the changing business landscape confidently


Managing your business challenges with ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

ISO 14001 can help you realize considerable environmental, economic and social benefits by providing a framework for managing your organization in a sustainable way, whatever your size, sector or geographical location, especially when combined with independent certification from HQ Assurance Indonesia.

We produced the world’s first environmental standard now ISO 14001 back in 1992. Whatever your goals or challenges it makes business sense to look at the ways to manage your organization’s impact on the environment. Implement ISO 14001 and you’ll realize the benefits, reducing your environmental impact and cutting costs, while building client trust and boosting your reputation.

Protect the environment and your reputation

With concern over the environment being a mainstay of today’s culture, organizations who don’t pay attention to their environmental impact run the risk of ruining their reputation and losing their markets. ISO 14001 can reduce this risk of losing customers and investors through damaged reputation from poor environmental performance. Also being able to demonstrate environmental commitment to stakeholders, through this internationally recognized standard, offers your organization a competitive advantage and can increase your access to new customers and business partners.


ISO 14001:2015 published

ISO 14001 – ISO 14001 – Environmental Management Systems, the world’s first international environmental standard has been helping thousands of organizations to improve their environmental, sustainability and operational performance since it was first published as BS 7750 in 1992.

To ensure that ISO 14001 continue to serve organizations and maintain its relevance in today’s market place, the standard has been revised. The new standard addresses the change in environmental practices, and ensures that the management system is future proof.

Companies, organizations and society have a global responsibility to grow without compromising resources for future generations. ISO 14001 was originally written with the environment in mind and that remains the priority for ISO 14001:2015.





Benefits of the new standard

  • Bringing the Environment and Continuous Improvement into the heart of your business. The revised standard will ensure that environmental management is now completely integrated and aligned with the business strategies of your organization. This strategic focus will result in optimizing the performance of your EMS making it more sustainable, saving money and helping preserve the world’s resources for future generations.
  • Leadership. Greater involvement in the management system by the leadership team will ensure the whole organization will be motivated towards the organizations goals and objectives.
  • Improved Environmental Performance. Organizations will need to take steps to protect the environment and improve environmental performance. Good environmental management will reduce the risk of regulatory fines and can often identify opportunities to save money.
  • An Integrated Approach. With the new structure applicable to all new ISO management systems standards it will be much easier to implement multiple, integrated management systems.

>> Contact us for more information on ISO 14001 Certification


OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System – Promote workplace health and safety, reduce workplace hazards and boost employee morale

OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System is a standard who sets out the minimum requirements for occupational health and safety management best practice. Work with us to bring OHSAS 18001 into your business and you can achieve the maximum return for your employees, your operations and your customers.

Are you ready for health and safety management system?

Whether you’re new to OHSAS 18001 or looking to take your expertise further, we have the right training courses, resources and services. We offer service packages that can be customized to your business to jumpstart your occupational health and safety management – cutting the cost of services you don’t need. A customized OHSAS 18001 package can be designed to remove the complexity of getting you where you want to be – whatever your starting point.


What are the benefits of OHSAS 18001?

  • Create the best possible working conditions across your organisation
  • Identify hazards and put in place controls to manage them
  • Promote workplace health and safety. Reduce workplace accidents and illness to cut related costs and downtime
  • Engage and motivate staff with better, safer working conditions
  • Demonstrate compliance to customers and suppliers
  • And if work-related road safety is a concern, OHSAS 18001 can be easily combined with ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety to make sure you address the increasing risks presented to your employees in all work related activities.

>> Contact us for more information on OHSAS 18001 Certification


Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Makanan – HACCP, ISO 22000, Sertifikasi Organik dan Lain Sebagainya

Lebih dari beberapa decade terakhir terjadi perubahan dalam kebiasaan makan kita yang ditandai pada perubahan pada produksi, penyimpanan dan penyajian makanan kita. Hal tersebut telah menjadi perhatian pemerintah dan regulator yang telah memberlakukan berbagai pengetatan aturan terhadap bidang makanan dan minuman. Lebih jauh, segmen-segmen di dalam industry tersebut telah meningkatkan ekspektasi para supplier. Beberapa tuntutan telah menekankan kebutuhan pendekatan konsisten manajemen makanan dan minuman.

HQ Assurance Indonesia terus mengikuti perkembangan trend pada keamanan makanan, apakah makanan tersebut telah melaksanakan aturan pemerintah, rencana industry atau relawan, persyaratan pembelian dari supermarket atau sesuai dengan Standar Internasional


Manajemen Keamanan Makanan

Dewasa ini system manajemen perlu untuk terlibat tidak saja pada regulasi makanan pokok dan praktek yang dapat diterapkan di tempat kerja, tetapi juga meliputi rencana berkesinambungan untuk krisis potensial seperti pembatalan produk.

Beberapa program manajemen keamanan makanan dimana HQ Assurance Indonesia dapat mengaudit dan verifikasi meliputi:

  • HACCP (Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points)• ISO 22000 Food Safety Management Program• 2nd Party Audits against your own Standards

    • Supply Chain Verification

Kami juga melakukan Gap Audits untuk menginformasikan kepada Anda bagaimana Anda terus mendapatkan pengetahuan terbaru tentang Sistem Keamanan Makanan.


Sertifikasi HACCP

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) adalah sebuah sistem manajemen resiko yang mengidentifikasi, mengevaluasi, dan mengontrol resiko yang berhubungan dengan keamanan makanan melalui jaringan distribusi (supply chain) makanan. Bila semua dari 7 Dasar HACCP termasuk dalam standar ISO 22000 standard, maka masih bisa diimplementasikan sebagai suatu sistem manajemen resiko yang terpisah.

Suatu program HACCP dapat diimplementasikan sebagai kontrol resiko kimia, biologis, fisik operasional Anda. Rancangan ini membantu memastikan pengaturan otoritas dan pelanggan yang akan langkah pencegahan logis untuk menjamin keamanan makanan. Selain membantu untuk mengurangi kontaminasi kerugian pada industri makanan serta mengembangkan desain produk makanan baru.

Dasar-dasar Perencanaan HACCP:

  • Mengidentifikasi bahaya makanan dan mengukur pengendalian resiko yang diperlukan• Mengidentifikasi Titik-titik Pengendalian Kritis / Critical Control Points (CCPs) keamanan makanan• Mendeterminasikan batasan kritis setiap CCP

    • Menetapkan prosedur monitoring CCP

    • Merencanakan dan mengambil tindakan korektif bila batasan kritis sudah diatas ambang yang ditoleransi

    • Menetapkan verifikasi sistem HACCP FSMS

    • Menetapkan pemeliharaan catatan dokumentasi sistem HACCP FSMS

Mengandalkan Pengalaman dan Pengetahuan Industri

HQ Assurance Indonesia mempunyai pengalaman dan keahlian di bidang industri makanan, termasuk program audit HACCP ISO 22000, standar GFSI dan berbagai program lainnya. Kami memiliki pengetahuan komprehensif dan sangat kompeten memahami struktur dan mengelola program pemenuhan (compliance) pada beragam model usaha yang sebelumnya telah berada di bawah standar yang ada. Para auditor kami yang sarat pengalaman, memiliki persepsi dan cerdas sangat handal dalam menerjemahkan standar dan membimbing Anda secara efisien menjalani proses registrasi.

>> Contact us for more information on HACCP Certification



Manajemen Keamanan Makanan ISO 22000

Tentang Standar

ISO 22000 mengambil seluruh pendekatan rantai keamanan makanan, memberikan suatu standar yang bukan hanya untuk pemroses makanan, tetapi juga seluruh aspek dari makanan yang belum diolah hingga makanan yang siap dihidangkan termasuk pengemasan dan supplier bahan, juru masak, gudang, dan fasilitas distribusi, pabrik kimia dan mesin dan dapat diaplikasikan pada para produsen utama seperti pertanian. Standar ISO22000 merupakan program yang dirancang untuk memastikan rantai suplai keamanan makanan ke seluruh dunia.

ISO 22000 memperluas pendekatan system manajemen ISO 9001:2000 yang merupakan standar system manajemen yang berhasil diimplementasikan secara luas pada semua sektor tetapi tidak secara khusus menuju pada keamanan makanan dengan memadukan prinsip-prinsip Codex HACCP.

Pengembangan ISO 22000 didasarkan pada asumsi system keamanan makanan paling efektif yang dirancang, dioperasikan dan dikembangkan secara berkesinambungan dalam kerangka kerja suatu sistem manajemen terstruktur, terintegrasi ke dalam seluruh kegiatan manajemen yang ada pada organisasi.

>> Contact us for more information on ISO 22000 certification


Auditing Services

HQ Assurance Indonesia offers a full range of auditing services and tools designed to cover all aspects of your business. Customers, suppliers, staff, and the global community are increasingly demanding that processes, products and services comply with local, global and industry standards. At HQ Assurance Services, we strive to provide customers with the best possible audit experience, and a means for managing risk, achieving compliance and driving overall business improvement within your organization.

The Expertise That Helps You Compete

No matter what industries your business operates within SAI Global has specialized teams that can offer you deep expertise in sector-specific auditing services, helping to ensure that your processes and operations meet and exceed regulatory and standard’s requirements. A truly global service provider with over 1000 auditors world-wide, we are able to provide auditing solutions anywhere your business operates and ready to put you on the path towards business excellence.


Supply Chain Audits

At HQA Indonesia, we take great pride in our staff’s ability to provide world-class auditing services across the entire supply chain. With our supply chain audit solutions, we are able to meet your organizations unique specifications, and can ensure that all your business partners are able to consistently meet those specifications.

>> Contact us for more information on an Auditing Services Audit


Supply Chain Verification Audits

Supply Chain Verification Audits can be defined as the management and delivery of a range of value added solutions to all sectors of industry encompassing safety and legal requirements. It may cover:

  • Supply Chain Assurance
  • Complaint Management and Handling
  • Manufacturing Specification/Data Management and Review
  • Labelling legality checks and translation into 18 languages
  • Technical/Legal Updates
  • Customer Specific Audits
  • Benefits of Supplier Compliance Management.

>> Contact us for more information on a Gap Audit


Gap Audits

A Gap Analysis can be conducted prior to the certification process. The analysis may assist in identifying your achievements as well as shortfalls in your Management System that should be met prior to certification.

You will receive a comprehensive report detailing how effectively your current system meets the objectives you have specified in the audit scope.

>> Contact us for more information on a Gap Audit