HQ Assurance is the business standards company that helps organizations all over the world make excellence a habit. For many years we have been challenging mediocrity and complacency to help embed excellence into the way people and products work. That means showing businesses how to improve performance, reduce risk and achieve sustainable growth. As a global thinking company in helping organisations improve, our clients range from high profile brands to small companies.
About HQ Assurance Indonesia
HQ Assurance Indonesia was established on September 2016 with (………No akte notaris…..). Our product ranges from standards development, certification, assessment and training. To date, HQ Assurance Indonesia has issued hundreds of certification to organisations from various industries in Indonesia.
HQ Assurance Indonesia is local brand of certification having recruited highly competent auditors comprising of mostly senior auditors with many years of experiences as auditors, consultants and trainers. These highly competent human resources will transfer their knowledge into your company management system for continual improvement.
HQ Assurance Indonesia has been delivering standards-based solutions to our customers. Operating through our experiences, we provide a list of comprehensive business solutions including:
- Assessing & certifying your management systems
- Providing training on standards
- Testing, assessing and certifying your products
Top management of HQ Assurance Indonesia commits to do management system certification activities independently also HQ Assurance Indonesia commits to manage conflict of interest and ensures the objectivity of its management system certification activities.
Our people
Business excellence begins with people. And the easiest, most effective way to achieve it is to work with those who’ve already embedded excellence in other organisations – like our people.
We have decades of experience working with all types of businesses. So our people understand the challenges that your business could be facing. And they have the skills to recognise where excellence can be achieved and transferred to your employees – or your people. We understand how people work, the habits they form and how they can improve. That’s why we hire the best and train them constantly so they can train and support you – and help you make excellence a habit in your organisation.